Certified person performing energy audits of construction works and/or energy certification of buildings

Group of professions (English): Energy certification of buildings
Group of professions (Croatian): Energetsko certificiranje zgrada
Profession (English): Certified person performing energy audits of construction works and/or energy certification of buildings
Profession (Croatian): Osoba koja provodi energetske preglede zgrada i / ili energetsko certificiranje zgrada
Specialities in this profession:
EU directive sections related to this profession: None listed
Laws related to this profession: None listed

Organizations related to this profession

Information bodies:
Examination bodies: None listed
Ministries in charge:
  • Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets

    Responsible authority:
    Ulica Republike Austrije 20, 10 000 Zagreb
    01/ 3782 -143, 01/ 3782 - 444
    01/ 3772 - 822
Competent authorities: